Brazil Nuts: A Secret Weapon for Black Women Against Fibroids?
In the whirlwind of our modern lifestyle, where processed foods dominate, the toll on our health is palpable. A significant victim of our unhealthy eating habits is our liver and kidneys. Processed foods, laden with artificial additives, excessive sugar, and unhealthy fats, take a heavy toll on these vital organs. Yet, a glimmer of hope…
Stop Your Workouts! You’re Not Vibrating Enough!
In our daily lives, we encounter toxins from various sources, including our food, the air we breathe, and even our relationships. When these toxins accumulate, they can be challenging to eliminate. They find a home within our organs and can spread throughout the body. Unlike our cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a built-in…
The Perception of Black Women
The term “Black woman” encompasses a rich and diverse population of individuals with African or African American heritage. How we are perceived by others often influences our interactions and relationships, but what happens when these perceptions lead to the feeling of being “othered?” From the moment of birth, Black women face a barrage of assaults…
“The Sugar” From Sweet Tooth to Diabetes
For some African Americans, the term “the sugar” is used colloquially to describe someone with high blood sugar levels, often indicating they have full-blown diabetes. You might hear phrases like “He’s got the sugar.” The relationship between sugar and Black communities can be complex. Traditional soul food diets, known for their generous use of meat,…
Yaah!’s Secret Formula for Success
In the grand quest toward achieving our goals, success is often perceived as something achieved after winning a battle — a war even. A war made up of tiny little battles between inner forces that send us in a cyclic downward spiral of self-sabotage. But what if I told you that this war can be…