Are You Spiritually Boujie?

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Why Yaah! Thinks You Should Be

In a world often preoccupied with appearances and trends, there is a transformative way of thinking that goes beyond the superficial – the Spiritually Boujie™ mindset. It revolves around being discerning, selective, and mindful of the energy you exude and welcome into your life, especially for Black women. Yaah! explores the tangible advantages that this way of thinking can offer.

It’s all About Your Energy

The concept of being Spiritually Boujie™ is rooted in the idea of vibrational energy. This energy can be categorized into two main types: low vibrational energy and high vibrational energy. The Spiritually Boujie™ mindset encourages individuals, particularly Black women, to cultivate and prioritize high vibrational energy while being discerning and selective about how they interact with low vibrational energy.

High vibrational energy is characterized by positivity, confidence, self-assuredness, and mindfulness. It is your quality of character that empowers individuals to navigate challenges, make healthy choices, and maintain mental and emotional well-being. The Spiritually Boujie™ mindset encourages individuals to intentionally cultivate and emit at a high vibrational frequency. This involves being selective about the people, experiences, and thoughts they allow into their lives and focusing on positive self-expression and self-empowerment.

Your Frequency Reflects Your Intelligence

In the context of low intelligence, we can draw parallels to the concept of low vibrational energy and its impact on relationships and personal well-being. Low intelligence, particularly low emotional intelligence, can lead to certain behaviors and activities that generate toxic relationships and negative energy. Conversely, high intelligence, especially high emotional intelligence, is associated with behaviors that emanate positive, high vibrational energy.

Low vibrational energy can be a result of external factors such as societal pressures, discrimination, and negative influences. When individuals focus on emitting low vibrational energy, the people around them may experience decreased mental well-being, heightened stress levels, and a sense of disempowerment. In the context of Black women, who may face unique challenges and systemic discrimination, we can’t afford to allow additional stressors such as low vibrational people to affect our overall quality of life.

Low Intelligence = Low Vibrational Behaviors

Individuals with low intelligence, especially low emotional intelligence, may exhibit behaviors that contribute to low vibrational energy in their relationships and personal lives. These behaviors often stem from a lack of understanding, empathy, and self-awareness.  They haven’t put in the work to become the best versions of themselves. They may struggle to manage their emotions, leading to negative outbursts, criticism, and pessimism in their interactions. They intentionally create negative toxic environments causing stress and discomfort for those around them. One example of this is when they make statements like, “I knew this annoys you that’s why I do it.”  Being constantly bombarded with negative energy can erode your mental well-being and manifest as insecurity and indecision, contributing to an overall feeling of uncertainty.  To combat this, high vibrational thoughts must be intentional and purposeful.


Individuals with high intelligence, particularly high emotional intelligence, tend to exhibit behaviors associated with high vibrational energy. Not only do we possess the ability to understand and manage our emotions, which positively impacts our relationships and overall well-being, but we can also empathize with others and understand the impact of our actions on people’s emotions. We are more attuned to feelings and experiences, which makes us less inclined to engage in behaviors that intentionally cause harm or stress to others.

We Hold Ourselves to a Higher Standard

We are less likely to engage in jealousy, gossip, competition, bullying, or catty mean-girl behaviors that intentionally inflict stress or pain BECAUSE BEING SPIRITUALLY BOUJIE MEANS WE ARE TOO GOOD FOR THAT.

Individuals with high intelligence, especially those with high emotional intelligence, focus on personal growth, self-improvement, and fostering positive relationships. We employ effective coping strategies, such as problem-solving, communication, and emotional regulation, reducing the overall stress levels in our relationships and environments. We maintain a positive outlook and exhibit behaviors that promote optimism, gratitude, and appreciation. We maintain our positivity and generate high vibrational energy that uplifts those around us.

High vibrational thoughts manifest as powerful mantras for individuals with high vibrational energy naturally. We adopt statements that reflect our positive outlook, empathy, and commitment to fostering healthy relationships such as, “Today’s Stress is Tomorrow’s Strength,” “Do No Harm, Take No Shit,” or the classic, “Positive Vibes Only.” We do not have to be told to become better, we are better because this way of thinking is reflective of a mindset that prioritizes emotional intelligence, empathy, and personal growth.

The Power of Positive Energy

The Spiritually Boujie mindset offers more than just a change in perspective; it provides a holistic approach to health and well-being. At its core, the Spiritually Boujie mindset recognizes that our thoughts and actions reflect our energy and state of mind that consciously prioritizes high vibrational energy, which promotes self-reflection, self-acceptance, and self-confidence.  We encourage mindfulness and intentional living, by focusing on positive energy and self-expression. Most importantly, we are selective about the energy we allow in our life, which even extends to lifestyle decisions, including diet, physical activity, and self-care practices.

At Yaah! we are creating a Spiritually Boujie™ community that fosters connections with like-minded individuals who appreciate being around elevated people who think on a higher plane. This sense of community provides a valuable support system for sharing experiences, coping with challenges, and collectively promoting well-being. In essence, Yaah! encourages Black women to rise above low vibrational energy and embrace the transformative power of high vibrational energy so, they can experience improved mental and physical health, greater resilience, and a heightened sense of empowerment in a world that often presents unique challenges. We want you to have such an elevated energy that it becomes your shield helping you stay resilient in the face of adversity.

By embracing the principles of positivity, mindfulness, and self-expression, the Spiritually Boujie mindset encourages self-reflection and self-acceptance. It fosters a sense of self-worth and self-confidence, leading to healthier lifestyle choices and better self-care.  Because we know that you, girl, ARE too good for that!

Elevate Your Energy, Elevate Your Style! (Coming Soon!)

At Yaah!, we believe that fashion is not just about what you wear; it’s about the energy you carry. We’re excited to introduce our exclusive Spiritually Boujie™ Clothing Line, a collection that encapsulates the essence of elevated living. What does it mean to be Spiritually Boujie? It means being discerning, selective, and mindful of the energy you emit and welcome into your life.

Our Spiritually Boujie™ collection is designed for individuals who understand that true luxury goes beyond the material. It’s about the high frequencies of positivity, confidence, and mindfulness that you radiate every day. With this collection, we aim to empower you to not only look fabulous but feel spiritually aligned with every step you take.


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