Shaking off the Coulda Wouldas

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Let’s be honest, we all know those people. The ones with the grand plans and endless ambitions, but never seem to actually DO anything. They’re stuck in a loop of “but ifs” and “should haves,” blaming everyone and everything for their lack of progress. It’s like watching someone get trapped in a quicksand pit of excuses. This ladies and gentlemen, is called defeatism.

If I coulda, woulda, shoulda

but since I wasn’t I just won’t

But if I could I really should have

but since I didn’t I just don’t

I’m just so full of excuses

of the reasons why I’m not

That would if I was it make no difference

cause of all the reasons that I got

Now, I’ll just sit back and accomplish nothing

while I feel sorry for myself

and when I run out of why-I-didn’ts

I’ll just blame it on my health

Now no one could ever be disappointed

in something I didn’t do

Cause when they asked me in the first place

they never expected me to

But guess what? They’re not special. They’re just infected with a nasty case of defeatism. It’s this contagious disease that makes you point fingers and whine about why you haven’t reached your goals, instead of taking responsibility and actually doing something about it. It’s the incessant need to blame external factors, compiling an endless list of excuses, and the naive belief that shifting responsibility will shield one from the consequences of inaction. 

Dr. Eric Thomas, Motivational Speaker, Author of Greatness is Upon You, asserts…,

“We are all one complaint or rationalization away from someone else doing what you were meant to do. Because while you’re wasting time complaining and placing blame on other people and circumstances, someone else is exercising his or her will and taking responsibility for his or her actions so that he or she can claim Victory out of life and not be victimized by a defeatist mentality.” –

Here’s the deal: defeatism is a total waste of your time and potential. This toxic mindset becomes a barricade preventing individuals from realizing their true potential. It’s a self-constructed comfort zone where accountability is traded for blame, and the road to success is paved with rationalizations. It holds you back from achieving your dreams and makes you a total drag to be around. Seriously, who wants to listen to someone constantly complain about why they can’t do something?

So, how do you cure this dreadful disease? Here are your prescriptions:

Stop pointing fingers and take responsibility for your life. You are the captain of your own ship, and it’s time to start steering it in the right direction. Own your successes, own your failures, and own your journey.  Acknowledge that the power to shape your destiny lies within. Accept responsibility for your actions and behaviors. Understand that your achievements or lack thereof are a result of your choices and efforts.

Challenge yourself to eliminate excuses from your vocabulary. Instead of dwelling on reasons why something is impossible, focus on finding solutions and taking tangible steps towards your goals. Excuses only serve as roadblocks on the path to success. You are in control of your actions and choices. Stop making excuses and start making things happen.

Cultivate a growth mindset that thrives on challenges and sees failures as opportunities to learn and improve. Embrace setbacks as part of the journey rather than reasons to give up. This shift in perspective can transform excuses into stepping stones for personal development.

Surround yourself with individuals who hold you accountable. Seek out mentors, friends, or family members who encourage personal responsibility and growth. Their support can serve as a reality check when excuses threaten to derail progress.

Failing is a part of life. Don’t let it define you. Instead, see each failure as a valuable lesson and use it to become stronger and wiser.

Stop dwelling on the past and let go of the negativity. Holding onto grudges and blaming others is like carrying a heavy backpack that only slows you down. Forgive yourself, forgive others, and move on.

Stop talking and start doing! The only way to achieve your goals is to get off your butt and take action. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, because it will never come. Start where you are, with what you have, and make it happen.

Regularly practice mindfulness to become aware of your thoughts and tendencies. Reflect on your actions and decisions, understanding the role you play in shaping your outcomes. Mindfulness can help break the cycle of blame and excuse-making.

Ditch the Excuses and Get After Your Dreams

Breaking free from the shackles of defeatism requires a conscious effort to eradicate blame and embrace responsibility. The journey toward personal and professional fulfillment begins with a commitment to eliminate excuses, fostering a mindset that thrives on accountability, resilience, and a proactive approach to challenges. As Dr. Eric Thomas emphasizes, true victory in life comes from exercising your will and taking responsibility, not succumbing to a defeatist mentality. It’s time to stop being full of excuses and start claiming the victories that await on the path of self-accountability and growth. Remember, you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. Don’t let defeatism hold you back any longer. Take control of your life, embrace ownership, and get after your dreams! Yaah! even has a Secret Formula that will help you on the path to change your life. You’ve got this!


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