Yaah!’s Secret Formula for Success

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In the grand quest toward achieving our goals, success is often perceived as something achieved after winning a battle — a war even.  A war made up of tiny little battles between inner forces that send us in a cyclic downward spiral of self-sabotage. But what if I told you that this war can be transformed into a harmonious alliance, a formula for success? With just a small, simple shift in perception, you can strengthen your willpower and catapult toward your goals.

The Immediate Gratification Trap

Let’s begin with a classic scenario. Let’s say you want to curb your sweet tooth, but chocolate cake is your Achilles’ heel. Every time you set your sights on a decadent slice, your willpower crumbles. “Oh, but it tastes sooo good!” you whisper to yourself. And that cake does tastes good. You want that cake. It’s hard to resist when you think of it that way. It’s a classic case of perception battling discipline. Or in other words, you’re fighting yourself. Your sweet tooth’s perception of the cake clashes head-on with your disciplined resolve to resist. You’ve set yourself up for failure.

But what if your perception shifted? What if that cake wasn’t chocolate goodness, but instead something very awful? Shifting your perception of the cake, how as soon as you eat it it will increase your blood viscosity, overwork your liver, and ultimately cause skin breakouts (ref: “The Sugar” From Sweet Tooth to Diabetes) and suddenly, that slice isn’t such a treat after all; it’s “Chocolate-covered diabetes.”

Perception is Control

The chocolate cake represents immediate gratification. This could manifest in impulsive decisions, procrastination, or choices that prioritize short-term pleasures over long-term goals.  The shift in perception is a shift in mindset. Your mind could be set, or you could shift it. Many people do not acknowledge that perception is self made. Perception is simply a reflection of how we view our world and our places in it and we have the power to change that view at any time. Recognizing the consequences of consistently prioritizing instant gratification can lead to a shift, but only if we decided to make a shift. If we decide to align our perceptions towards our goals, willpower suddenly has a powerful ally. And dare I say it, we are now in control.

The Comfort Trap

Exertion is, by nature, uncomfortable. People naturally gravitate toward comfort because it feels safe, familiar, and, let’s just be honest, easy. Comfort can manifest in various ways, such as avoiding challenges, staying in the same routines, or indulging in immediate pleasures. This desire for comfort can become a trap when it hinders personal growth, progress, and success. Staying within the boundaries of comfort may limit opportunities for personal development and can hinder progress in various aspects of life. But what if you changed your perception of discomfort?

Instead of shifting your perception of something you perceive as positive to negative, you can also shift a negative experience into a positive one. Positive or negative, your body’s default setting is comfort; comfort food, comfortable couch, and your overall comfort zone. Sometimes you must view discomfort as a positive to break free.

This time, let’s use me for example. Whenever I go on a run the first 15 minutes, it feels like pure crap (sometimes).   The initial stages of exertion is often physically uncomfortable, with sensations like fatigue, shortness of breath, or muscle soreness. But this is where control of my perception kicks in; I tell myself, the uncomfortable feeling is just my body shaking loose all of the negative toxins accumulated throughout the day while sitting down. By the end of the run I will have flushed them out and I’ll feel detoxed and amazing.  I’m changing my perception of the temporary discomfort to meet my willpower to finish. I am allowing myself to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. I know the reward will be how I feel when I’m done, so I need my perception and discipline to get me across the finish line. 

Be Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable

Physical exertion offers an array of health benefits, from improved cardiovascular health and enhanced muscle tone to better mental well-being. Regular exercise has been proven to reduce stress, increase energy levels, and even boost your mood by triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals. When you perceive physical exertion as an opportunity to cleanse your body of toxins and build strength, your willpower no longer has to fight an inner battle. But physical exertion is just one form of exertion that leads to growth.


Whether it be mental, emotional, or spiritual growth, the initial discomfort you experience becomes a necessary part of the process as you work towards becoming the next version of yourself. Changing one’s perception of discomfort is key because true growth and achievement often require stepping outside of one’s comfort zone. How you control your perception as you evolve is what makes the journey a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

The Success Formula: Perception + Discipline = Willpower

So, that’s it. That’s the secret formula to success and achieving your goals. It’s simple but powerful: Perception + Discipline = Willpower. No one really lacks willpower, for the most part, it is simply learning how to control your perception to stay disciplined. It’s about altering your perception of challenges that life will surely throw your way so that you can align your disciplined self with your ultimate objectives.

In the end, it’s not about waging war against your desires; it’s about orchestrating a symphony of inner forces to harmonize your actions with your goals. This success formula extends far beyond health and wellness. It’s a versatile approach that can be applied to every aspect of your life, from health and fitness, career, education, and business to personal growth and relationships. When you harness the internal strength that results from partnering your perception to stay disciplined, you empower your willpower.

All you have to do to access it is to activate yourself with the Perception + Discipline = Willpower equation, you’re well on your way to achieving the success you deserve.

So, go forth and conquer—your dreams await!


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